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Stuart Maconie

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:33 pm
by Neil In Wigan
I'm currently reading his biography, "Cider With Roadies" and there are two blinding passages in it, which I thought I'd share

"What is Wigan truly famous for? Rugby for one. Even though our utter, unquestioned dominance in the sport has ended, all Wiganers secretly believe that we are really just indulgently letting the other teams win for a while in order to make it more interesting."

and (talking about the onset of Punk)

"We had to stick together. And we did. we stuck together in the Bier Keller on King Street, Wigan's most violent thoroughfare. In later years, my job has taken me to some hairy locales. But though I have walked, quite quickly it must be said, through the valley of the shadow of death, I have feared no evil; chiefly because I have walked down King Street at 2am on a Friday night and that really is scary."

So, when some people have asked about famous Wiganers, there's another one (he's a DJ and music journalist for those who don't know), with on one side a love of our club, and on the other the knowledge of what we all know. That King Street on weekend nights isn't for the faint hearted. :lol:

Re: Stuart Maconie

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:38 pm
by mike binder
it as improved on what it used to be in the BIer Keller days ooooohhhhhhhhhh Scotts we miss u :lol:

Re: Stuart Maconie

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:00 pm
by waterside glens
king street is dead on ,try the golden mile in belfast after 2am and you might just live to tell the tale :o

Re: Stuart Maconie

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:22 pm
by Antwigan
Yeah he talks about Wigan alot on his shows.

His first concert was 'The Beatles' with his mum.
He cant remember much as he was only 3!
Mum couldn't find a babysitter apparently!

Re: Stuart Maconie

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:41 pm
by roo67
all we need now is for him to appear on tv in a warriors shirt and have a go at that fat git stains fan vegas :sly: