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Last word on Chris Ashton

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:26 am
by BriH
Let's get real about Chris Ashton and his move to Northampton.
What 19 year old in his right mind would turn down a 3 year contract at £140,000 a year? That's £420,000 before tax!!!!
And before all you irate, holier than you lot start going on about loyalty etc. we live in the real world were players are commodities. My old dad - a coal miner of 35 years, pre-second World War - used to tell me "sell your services to the highest bidder"
And don't any of you insult my dead fathers memory because he was right.[/b]

Re: Last word on Chris Ashton

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:30 am
by thegimble
BriH posted:
Let's get real about Chris Ashton and his move to Northampton.
What 19 year old in his right mind would turn down a 3 year contract at £140,000 a year? That's £420,000 before tax!!!!
And before all you irate, holier than you lot start going on about loyalty etc. we live in the real world were players are commodities. My old dad - a coal miner of 35 years, pre-second World War - used to tell me "sell your services to the highest bidder"
And don't any of you insult my dead fathers memory because he was right.[/b]
Its Mooah again a Northampton Troll. Bye Bye