Sam & Joel, The Video

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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by shaunedwardsfanclub »

pieater-alex wrote:I would sack JT.

Break up the clique at Wigan.
I agree. Rads is talking the talk but can he walk the walk? There is no point in setting high standards if we don’t make players and officials of the club abide by them. This is a pivotal moment in what the club stands for and the action taken by the club will dictate what is expected of future generations. I will be greatly disappointed if the club do not show Joel the door. If that was my wife, daughter or sister I would have something to say to Joel about his actions!
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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by DaveO »

Wigan_forever19​85​ wrote:
I’m getting to the point we’re it feels like the entire management structure needs sacking at Wigan and starting again the boys club has gone on too long and now we are suffering
This is my view as well. All this mates culture has backfired.

Why are they out there drinking that much in the first place during the season? It can't be true that Wane, Rads and IL don't know they and other players are around town getting ratted. It's totally unprofessional.

The idea put forward a few weeks ago when Hardaker signed that Wane and the club would keep him on the straight and narrow is now obviously a joke. The so called Wigan Way is currently a myth and while you could just blame Wane for this and him letting them get away with it I don't think that would be completely fair. IL and Rads must know about it as well and so are complicit in letting it happen.

We definitely need a new coach from outside the club now who will insist on tighter discipline off field as well as on. I don't think Winder would stand a chance of changing a culture he has been a part of.

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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by jobo »

A coach can insist all he wants about personal responsibility but mix drink with whatever and everything flies out of the window.
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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by jobo »

morley pie eater wrote:First of all, I've supported Wigan for over 54 years. Second, I've consistently defended "the club" against RU supporters, Leeds fans and Wigan fans on this forum. (You could say I'm ancient and loyal?)

Rugby League is part of who I am: I've argued that it is a community sport that really belongs to the fans, that has values which are long lost by football and other sports. It embodies our tough but honest Northern-ness, hard but fair.

I accept that Joel's attitude and behaviour on this video are not extreme by our society's standards. But they're way out from the standards I (deludedly) have defended and believed in. Yes, Bateman was retained, but after being sanctioned and warned. Same for Hock and others. I can live with that.

What's different here is the unexplained 5 weeks, and the fine and suspension only happening when the video appears on YouTube.

This is not about Joel, it's about the club, and Radlinski in particular. I've used Rads countless times as an example of what's best in RL. How he'd tackle a player into touch and help him up, or check that he was ok. A thoroughly decent bloke, honest as the day is long. Is he really? "Power corrupts.."?

This video, and the club's apparent response, make me question everything I've believed about Wigan, Rugby League, Northern values and the rest. If "the club" continue to look like they are, and have been, covering this up, it'll be the end for me. The only option they have to redeem themselves is for Joel to go.
Well I see it different. Joel blew a fuse and the club acted, rightly or wrongly, in such a way as to limit the damage. If the timing had been better then this hiccup would have all blown over. All this talk of the club being rotten to the core is rubbish.
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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by josie andrews »

Firestarter wrote:
medlocke wrote:Cheers for posting it, from the looks of things Joel is not only pissed but looks like there might be some special effects onboard, If by some miracle he isn't sacked then a certain test should be done, disgusting behaviour from a couple of professional sports stars
me and mrs said same meds....... does anyone know when it was filmed??........joel talks big for a player whos been average all his career, at best
I knew about this two days after it happened! Sunday 29th April!
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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by josie andrews »

medlocke wrote:It seems nobody knows when it happened, It'll be 3 months next
It happened on Sunday 29th April! I knew about it on the Tuesday!
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by josie andrews »

cherry.pie wrote:To be fair to Rads my previous comments may have been a little harsh. It is very possible that he wasn't aware of the incident.

If the bar owner reported it to the club it doesn't necessarily mean that it reached Rads given he's effectively top dog with Lenagan spending more time on other things. That means the incident was probably reported to someone else. In which case saying there will be an investigation into the circumstances would also include investigating who knew and tried to brush it under the carpet.
:lol: :lol: You must be joking! Of course he knew!

Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by josie andrews »

widdenoldboy wrote:Hard to remember a worse couple of weeks for the club - relegation year? we had a poor team, Hock? Bateman and Mossop incident?

Did this incident and how it was handled figure in Wane's decision to leave?
I think so. And the way it was mishandled too! I think he was very angry that nothing was done at the time it happened.
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by josie andrews »

morley pie eater wrote:First of all, I've supported Wigan for over 54 years. Second, I've consistently defended "the club" against RU supporters, Leeds fans and Wigan fans on this forum. (You could say I'm ancient and loyal?)

Rugby League is part of who I am: I've argued that it is a community sport that really belongs to the fans, that has values which are long lost by football and other sports. It embodies our tough but honest Northern-ness, hard but fair.

I accept that Joel's attitude and behaviour on this video are not extreme by our society's standards. But they're way out from the standards I (deludedly) have defended and believed in. Yes, Bateman was retained, but after being sanctioned and warned. Same for Hock and others. I can live with that.

What's different here is the unexplained 5 weeks, and the fine and suspension only happening when the video appears on YouTube.

This is not about Joel, it's about the club, and Radlinski in particular. I've used Rads countless times as an example of what's best in RL. How he'd tackle a player into touch and help him up, or check that he was ok. A thoroughly decent bloke, honest as the day is long. Is he really? "Power corrupts.."?

This video, and the club's apparent response, make me question everything I've believed about Wigan, Rugby League, Northern values and the rest. If "the club" continue to look like they are, and have been, covering this up, it'll be the end for me. The only option they have to redeem themselves is for Joel to go.

I am ashamed of what is going on at the club. In fact so ashamed it has taken me until now to come on the site.

Mr Radlinski stated in his book that the culture at Wigan needed to change to “The Wigan Way”!! His way!!

This is not what I envisage as the “The Wigan Way”!

Other clubs wanted to be like Wigan, tried to emulate Wigan! Not any more.

Why has it taken five weeks before these players were disciplined? It should have happened immediately & both should have been dropped from the outset not now that this video footage has been released.

Shame on Wigan. Shame on ‘The Golden Child’ & his sibling to disrespect people this way.

As the girl said in the video, “Who, do you think you are?”

Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
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josie andrews
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Re: Sam & Joel, The Video

Post by josie andrews »

I also think there should be a complete drinks ban during the season. They are supposed to be professional athletes.

I have also heard that a few backroom staff are also wanting away!
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
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