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Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:33 pm
by weststand-rich
I for one am please he's staying. I think he's played well, consistently and has been amongst the better of the SL props.

It was interesting to listen to him on Carneys show last night. In the years 2007/2008, I would guess from the way he talked about that period he was clinically depressed. Perhaps it's no surprise he didn't play his best for us around then. Awful disease. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. Not even that skid on the underpants of humanity, Ryan Bailey.

Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:04 pm
by x Wigan Warrior x
I think the Willie mason thing was over hyped anyway...... two big blokes, one gives the other a crack on the jaw when he's not expecting it would put anyone on their arse. I think the British fans made more of than it was.

Stu looks to be gathering better form each game. I am well happy he is staying

Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:29 pm
by Panchitta Marra
x Wigan Warrior x wrote:I think the Willie mason thing was over hyped anyway...... two big blokes, one gives the other a crack on the jaw when he's not expecting it would put anyone on their arse. I think the British fans made more of than it was.

Stu looks to be gathering better form each game. I am well happy he is staying
I think you are right about the Willie Mason incedent xWWx, I think his lack in confidence stems mainly from the boxing bout with Radford.
Is Radford not an ex boxer ?, if so it was stupid of Stu to take him on, and secondly what were the RFL thinking of to allow such an aggressive stage show.

Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:40 pm
by Kiwiseddon
I'm chuffed he's staying. I think he deserves it.

I'm also excited about Wigan V Hull KR next season. The contest between Fielden and Mason is going to be great. It won't be the same as the international match.

Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:16 pm
by exile in Tiger country
Fielden has IMO been our best prop this year, He makes far fewer errors than Coley. There are not many better props in Superleague and none that are likely to be available.
He has stood his ground more thsn once one to one with Peacock, I remember ganson being picked up on his mike after one incident talking to them like a pair of schoolboys
"I thought you two were supposed to be best mates?"
Being caught by Willie Mason would have sparkled most people, but if Stuart had fired the first one, it could have been Mason sat on his backside.
The main difference betwen Fielden and Mason now is Stu is improving, Mason's career is effectively over, that is why he has come for his pension payout at KR.

Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:31 pm
by Kittwazzer
exile in Tiger country wrote: .

The main difference betwen Fielden and Mason now is Stu is improving, Mason's career is effectively over, that is why he has come for his pension payout at KR.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:32 pm
by ian.birchall
weststand-rich wrote:I for one am please he's staying. I think he's played well, consistently and has been amongst the better of the SL props.

It was interesting to listen to him on Carneys show last night. In the years 2007/2008, I would guess from the way he talked about that period he was clinically depressed. Perhaps it's no surprise he didn't play his best for us around then. Awful disease. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. Not even that skid on the underpants of humanity, Ryan Bailey.
What I found interesting was his comment that he had the option of going to the convict colony. CPW tells us that Noble is off to Penrith Panthers next year, am I adding 2+2 to get 5 in assuming Noble was trying to take him with him just as he did when he left t'Bulls and joined t'Warriors?

Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:08 pm
by Sutty
ian.birchall wrote:
What I found interesting was his comment that he had the option of going to the convict colony. CPW tells us that Noble is off to Penrith Panthers next year, am I adding 2+2 to get 5 in assuming Noble was trying to take him with him just as he did when he left t'Bulls and joined t'Warriors?
More like 17 :) . It was the Cowboys that were after him, I think he is quoted as saying. Also that it was one of the hardest decisions of his life, to turn down. Stating that it was just the wrong time, with his wife being pregnant etc.

Re: Fielden

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:50 pm
by cpwigan
No Ian. Noble is the reason for the Gareth Hock to Penrith rumour.

Not sure why but Stuart seemed negative re Noble which given he has played for him twice could be odd but whenv Carney said was the big winger a Brian Noble idea he rightly said no it began with Brian Smith and he praised Madge / Bitcom but not Noble inferring things had improved..

Re: Fielden

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:21 am
by doc
In his recent interview in the match programme Stu said the coaching and fitness training we have in place now is the best he has ever had.

Personally I think Stu has been out standing this season. The way he hits the line, bounces off then goes again drags in the oppositions defence and tires them out. It's not always the blockbusting runs making big yards that win the game, but the gradual wearing down of the opposition.