Sam the man

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Re: Sam the man

Post by missyme65 »

Morph wrote:
missyme65 wrote:If Im very honest Im disappointed by Sam, It was blatent on the BBC, it wasnt cramp, reflex it was flicking the V.

I can appreciate his frustration at being Boo'ed while playing for England, that in my eyes is an utter disgrace, never ever diss anyone wearing National colours.
But to retaliate on such a public stage was to say the least foolhardy.

Thing is I think he just might have said goodbye to man of steel
Do you honestly think he was ever going to get anyway! They will give it to Roby again.

I have to say I think his performance this season stood him in an excellent position, not so confident now

Roby sweet god noooooooooo
softy southerner finds the holy grail...
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Re: Sam the man

Post by Warrriors »

Mystic Sam predicts try haul for front-row hero Jeff Lima?
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Re: Sam the man

Post by TrueBlueWarrior »

God wrote:Rat Boy.....Little Turd....Arrogent....Cocky.....No Class....No Respect..... Saying he incites violence between fans.....Embarassement.....Lousy Person......Chav Scum.....Classless.....Turdy Chav....Little Runt.

A full 10 threds on the Leeds board, and a whole load more on our nearest and dearest rival fans forums about Sam Tomkins after flipping the bird to the squeaky clean Leeds fans.

Just some of the samples of anger and abuse directed at our best player, very ironic considering the abuse hes had to endure off these pack of di**heads all season. Very, Very short memories these lot of inbread idiots have, very short.

I remember Lee Smith scoring in the corner for Leeds last season to knock us out of the Challenge Cup in the final minutes, they were practacally on top of me in the stand, flipping VS the wa**er sign the whole lot.

I was in the Leeds end for the Challenge Cup Final and had Beer chucked on me, Leeds fans wanting to fight a Wigan fan when he got up to cheer Tommys try. Yes you can say " What do you expect" but ive been in the away end at Saints our biggest rivals and had nowt but banter, Never threts of violence especially when theres lots of kids about.

Fully grown men acting like children some 6-7 rows back trying to get involved. Absolute tools and yet they have the bollocks to condem a player for flipping the bird, when Leeds fans screaming the C word not 3 foot away from children only 1 minute into the game.

Leeds are my least liked team in Super League total and utter clowns from the fighting at the final whistle and the head butting of Ryan King after the game had finished from the players to the mindless and moronic fans who shout the C word and other horrible insults just yards from small kids and trying to get involved in violence from 7 rows back, jumping over people to get involved.

Tossers the lot of them ive got more integrity in my left bollock than that shower of shit club and fans put together. Rant over.
Well said!! :eusa2:
'If you start listening to the fans it won't be long before you're sitting with them.' - Wayne Bennett
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Re: Sam the man

Post by cpwigan »

Hard to put it better than God has. Top post my man!!!

Watch the game last week v Bradford and two 'ADULT' Bradford fans hurling abuse at Sam. Leeds well we all know about the Exiles match and now this. YES, Sam should not have done it BUT who has felt the hate and abuse Sam has. As a junior I was abused by adults and teenagers playing a football final at Deepdale, I have been attacked by spectators, I have also once stupidly stuck 2 fingers up to a referee, jumped over a perimeter fence ready to take on whoever wanted it, walked off pitches to have words with grown men even as a junior so I guess I have a little understanding of what Sam goes through but for me it was a few hundred not thousands upon thousands.

Here is the crux, RL has a RESPECT code, it is not applied, the RL Family is the biggest bullshit ever, if the RFL or it's clubs cannot get fans to follow the RESPECT code then do not ask a player targetted and abused month after month to be perfect. Yes it was silly if done but hey when the game / the game's governing body cannot ensure players are treated with RESPECT what do they expect? Do they want them to leave RL and play Union?

The INEPT RL media is also to blame. They have incited many fans and created something that does not exist. The RL TV and Newpaper (many of them ex pros) should hang their heads in shame.
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Re: Sam the man

Post by DaveO »

The attempts to make controversy where there is none does no one any favours.

I watched the after match coverage of the BBC to today and Balding was doing her best to make Wigan's win controversial and Sam's gesture was highlighted.

I got the impression all three pundits were rather uncomfortable with that stance but felt the need to agree.

Yes we got the rub of the green but we didn't bloody cheat! And Leeds got it as well in that game but they missed commenting on that completely.
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Re: Sam the man

Post by Kittwazzer »

DaveO wrote:
Yes we got the rub of the green but we didn't bloody cheat! And Leeds got it as well in that game but they missed commenting on that completely.
I take it you mean Ablett's 'PTB' which led to the BJB try? The panel was completely one-sided!
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Re: Sam the man

Post by TonyH »

I've argued and argued on a post on facebook about this as well. No one knows what Leeds fans were saying to him. David Beckham flipped England fans the middle finger after a game against Portugal because they were saying things like "I hope your kid gets cancer" and I wouldn't put it past the scum that is a Leeds fan to say something similar to Sam. People keep whinging "oh he is a professional sportsmen and shouldn't have done it", forget that he is a human being and there is only so much abuse a person can take before reacting. Good on him is what I say, I mean what do they expect? Sam Tomkins' face should be used to promote our sport because now that everyone is raving about him a lot more people are starting to watch it.

I'm behind him 100%.
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Re: Sam the man

Post by cpwigan »

I daresay some fans will be overjoyed when they force him out of League into Union.
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Re: Sam the man

Post by Kittwazzer »

Just watching the match again. Charnley scores and Sam throws his arms around him with a beaming smile on his face. Then he looks up, over Josh's shoulder and the smile disappears, then the quick flip. Pity the cameras couldn't show us what he had seen or heard. Certainly proves it was a reaction rather than anything premeditated!
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Re: Sam the man

Post by ian.birchall »

Still a daft thing to do, did he actually think he would not be shown on tv? proves the lad is human and gettable at which might encourage other moronic fans to increase the abuse.
Regarder une fille en bikini, c'est comme avoir un revolver chargé sur sa table:
Il n'y a rien de mal a ça mais il est difficile de penser à autre chose.

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