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Re: 4 Nations Final

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:45 am
by bourbon_rat
And from Lockyer's possible replacement as OZ capt.....
Although the Kangaroos finished comfortable winners, Smith paid tribute to England's performances throughout the tournament and insisted they are getting closer to bridging the gap.

"I don't think they're that far off," he said.

"They played extremely well for the majority of the game.

"It reminded me a lot of 2009 when England were very good for 50 minutes and took it to us before we ended up scoring a few late tries which blew the score out a bit.

"I think they had a stronger squad this year. They showed that at Wembley and tonight it was a close game.

"If they can just play for the 80 minutes they will be winning tournaments very soon. Every year they're getting stronger and stronger."
My personal opinion is - THEY NEED A DECENT NATIONAL COACH.