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Re: Bradford 30 - 31 Wigan: Your memories

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:08 pm
by OJ
Lost track of the number of times I've watched the dvd of this match - second half in particular - it replaced the Good Friday match of 2003 against Saints in my most watched category and like someone else I am word perfect with the commentary, even Eddie's spluttering when he couldn't quite believe what was happening. Have only watched it a couple of times after Terry Newton's death as that wiped the smile off my face good style. Thing was we were all just resigned to a loss for a large part of the match and there was a kind of quiet, calm, resignation about the fans which was transformed over a 20 minute period into utter disbelief and pure joy.

Re: Bradford 30 - 31 Wigan: Your memories

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:10 pm
by moffsta
I remember it well coz i took a friend who hadnt really followed much rugby league, i wanted him to witness the passion involved in a play off game and by half time i honestly thought we'd muffed it. Calderwood's 1st try got a bit of a cricket ripple from us away fans. i must confess i did start shouting COME ON WIGAN!! at the top of my voice to try and instill some faith amongst the travelling fans....... seemed to work lol :wink:

Re: Bradford 30 - 31 Wigan: Your memories

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:30 pm
by trotski_tgwu
Dotnet wrote:If anyone can supply me with a copy of this game on dvd I will pay, my copy seems to have vanished.
Yes id luv a copy of this too if anyone can supply me with one, Watched this game on Tv and was going mental in the second half what a game