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Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:52 am
by shaunedwardsfanclub
What does he bring to the team? Please don't say organisation, he couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery and he certainly can't perform under pressure.

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:12 am
by Josie's friend
Rads had plenty to say on what Matty brings to the club, all positive so I'll go with his opinion. Miss the days when Blake was the problem and Smith the golden boy

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:47 am
by old hooker
Worst scrum half in SL, I cannot believe how anyone can not realise how poor he is.He is not our only problem but he is certainly the biggest.

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:13 am
by Caboosegg
after last night and the pile of crap we served up for 30 minutes in the second half i cannot believe someone made a Smith Thread, he wasnt bad at all last night one of our better player, made a couple of try saving tackles himself and his kicking game was okay.

he plays like wane tells him, it wasn't his kicks that were to strong or to long that our wingers couldn't reach them.

my one complaint was the goal kick he missed (which was a easy one) but he had just been taken out and wasn't standing to steadily. somthing we never managed to do to sneyd.

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:58 am
by Panchitta Marra
I'm not a lover of Sneyd, but last night he took the line on and cast doubt into the oppositions minds.
When does Smith take on the line or EVER cast any doubts into the oppositions minds.
Half backs have to do things off the cuff, not stick 100% to a predetermined structure. Sneyd an average player in my eye displayed this, George Williams and Tuimavave to some extent, but Smith, not a clue how to change a game with his own ideas and skills.

Is there any coincidence that when Sam T struggles then so does Smith, only a question.

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:00 am
by Owd Codger
Caboosegg wrote:after last night and the pile of crap we served up for 30 minutes in the second half i cannot believe someone made a Smith Thread, he was bad at all last night one of our better player, made a couple of try saving tackles himself and his kicking game was okay.

he plays like wane tells him, it wasn't his kicks that were to strong or to long that our wingers couldn't reach them.

my one complaint was the goal kick he missed (which was a easy one) but he had just been taken out and wasn't standing to steadily. somthing we never managed to do to sneyd.
I agree, whenever we lose, it is always blame Smith.

Our problem is that unlike when we had Finch and Green, we no longer have a experienced play maker Stand Off. Williams is not a Stand Off, but a Scrum Half having to play at Stand Off.

The fault lies with the club giving Smith a four year contract until 2018 when they could see Williams and Powell emerging from the Academy as Scrum Haves/Hookers.

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:02 am
by Kittwazzer
I'm beginning to wonder if Smith is 'demob happy'?

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:11 am
by markill
The one time he got quick bank and he went to the line before passing we scored a try off the back of his play, because Williams then had the chance to do the same to put Isa in. Too often we see them just pass it so far away from the defenders that it's easy to defend us. That's the structure and instructions surely, otherwise when he breaks from that we wouldn't be scoring tries.

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:56 am
by eccywarrior
All the criticism aimed at mainly smith is a joke. People forget players like lockers are becoming weak link simply because why the hell is he kicking on 3rd tackle when close to try line... Infact why the hell are we kicking early near line. This is our downfall and that is something you cant blame wane. Plus why did we take the 2 just after half time? I hate decisions like this.

Re: Smith

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:01 pm
by markill
eccywarrior wrote:All the criticism aimed at mainly smith is a joke. People forget players like lockers are becoming weak link simply because why the hell is he kicking on 3rd tackle when close to try line... Infact why the hell are we kicking early near line. This is our downfall and that is something you cant blame wane. Plus why did we take the 2 just after half time? I hate decisions like this.
We're doing it because our game is lateral and slow. We can't make breaks because don't attack the line with the ball or run well off the ball. So we look at a set defence and think of we can't go through them let's try a kick behind them. It's working sometimes too, not enough for how much we're trying it, but more than the static sideways passing game is. It's a symptom of our attacking structure being poor.

Completely agree re. the 2. We had them on the back foot and had a lead. There was ages left in the game, the 2 wouldn't be significant if one of hulls offloads led to a try, or we made a mistake in defence. We did both and lost.